Kosača Cultural Route » » Ljubuški Outdoor Festival

Ljubuški Outdoor Festival

The Ljubuški Outdoor Festival as a whole is a set of sports and recreational activities that will connect and revitalize the scattered cultural, historical and natural heritage along the competition routes. Paragliding competition, racing, cycling and trail trails are connected by the river Trebižat, which in addition to its hydrological potential also inherits two natural pearls: the Kravica and Koćuša waterfalls. The route also connects national cultural monuments, the Roman military camp in Gračine and the fortress of Herceg Stjepan Kosača, which represent a special treasure of this festival. Through a series of lectures, the festival promotes a sporty and healthy lifestyle in a natural environment. Also, all associations engaged in outdoor sports and recreational activities have the opportunity to present their activities during the festival at the Kravica waterfall. This innovative and unique event in BiH will certainly be a significant incentive for the development and promotion of active destination tourism in the Ljubuski region, but also in other areas in the region for the development of similar activities. The festival was first organized in late May 2021.

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In the 15th century, the Kosača family ruled the area of Hum (Herzegovina) and was one of the most powerful noble families in the Kingdom of Bosnia. There are assumptions that the family was named after the village of Kosač near the Piva and Tara river. The influence and power of Kosača can be seen during the time of the first Bosnian king Tvrtko I.
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